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Duracell has a rich history of innovation through continuously developing batteries that are more compact, more powerful, more efficient, and longer lasting than competitor brands. Since the 1940s when the roots of the original company were founded, Duracell has been responsible for many industry firsts, including the first alkaline AA and AAA batteries and the first hearing aid cell button.

Duracell is the world’s number one consumer battery company by market share and the leading manufacturer of high performance alkaline batteries, speciality cells and rechargeables. Since the launch of the brand in 1965, it has grown to become a global consumer icon, known for its commitment to quality, reliability and innovation.
Duracell employs over 3,300 people around the world and has global regional headquarters in the USA, EIMEA, and Asia. On 1st March 2016, the company became a permanent part of the Berkshire Hathaway group.

Duracell manufactures alkaline batteries in many common sizes, such as AAA, AA, C, D, and 9V. Lesser-used sizes such as AAAA and J size batteries are also manufactured along with a range of "button" batteries using zinc-air, silver-oxide, hearing aid and lithium chemistries.

Duracell batteries are also bulk packaged for industrial and professional end-users under the brand name Duracell Procell.

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