Industry leading Fujitsu Low Self Discharge NiMH batteries are the answer to better outcomes for performance, cost and the environment. Manufactured in Japan by Fujitsu subsidiary FDK at the Takasaki Twicell factory. FDK are the sole maker of Low Self Discharge NiMH batteries in Japan. All batteries are precharged at the factory with solar power before shipping to customers around the world.
Takasaki Twicell Factory History
- April 2013 AA-AAA type low self-discharge type Ver.4 (UTGC) begin shipping. (2100 cycles)
- October 2011 AA-AAA type low self-discharge type Ver.3 (UTGB) begin shipping. (1800 cycles)
- January 2010 Transfer to FDK Co,. Ltd from Sanyo Electric Co,. Ltd. Renamed to FDK TWICELL.
- October 2009 AA-AAA type low self-discharge type Ver.2 (UTGA) begin shipping. (1500 cycles)
- September 2008 Single, single-type two low self-discharge type begin shipping.
- September 2009 Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare Award as the employment of persons with disabilities excellent office.
- January 2006 AAA type (HR-4UTG) low self-discharge type begin shipping. (1000 cycles)
- November 2005 AA type 2700mAh (HR-3UG) begin shipping.
- November 2005 AAA type 1000mAh (HR-4UG) begin shipping. November 2005 AA type (HR-3UTG) low self-discharge type begin shipping. (1000 cycles)
- July 2005 Commendation award from the Japanese Red Cross Society.
- March 2005 OHSAS18001 certification.
- August 2004 AA type 2500mAh (HR-3UF) begin shipping.
- November 2003 ISO14001: 2004 certification.
- September 2003 AA type 2300mAh (HR-3UB) begin shipping.
- September 2002 AA type 2100mAh (HR-3UA) begin shipping.
- August 2002 ISO9001: 1994 certification.
- March 2002 AA type 1850mAh (HR-3U) begin shipping.
- April 2001 Transfer to Sanyo Electric Co,. Ltd from Toshiba Battery Co,. Ltd
- May 1993 Building 2 new building construction and operation 6 floors.
- October 1991 Nickel-metal hydride battery production start.
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