Delivery & Payment

Delivery & Payment

Important Customer Information

We value your patronage as a customer of Master Instruments Pty Ltd (MI). It is most important you make yourself aware of the information printed below & on accompanying pages. We, as you would, have no wish to enjoy anything but an efficient & problem free relationship with MI so knowledge of this information is essential for a successful relationship with our Company. Ignorance of this information will not preclude customers from the terms & conditions of Master Instruments Pty Ltd.

Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions are as per the back of our invoice in addition to those set out below. A complete copy of our terms & conditions are available here.

Goods are ex works Milperra NSW, Wangara Perth or Croydon South Victoria unless prior alternative arrangements have been made with & approved by Master Instruments.

The terms & conditions of Master Instruments override any terms & conditions placed by the buyer. As the seller we remain the sole arbiter as to the terms of the sale. Acceptance of an order by Master Instruments in no way contracts acceptance of any terms & conditions implied by the purchaser or their purchase order. Should the customer require terms & conditions not meeting our requirements this may only be approved after discussions with & authorisation by the appropriate Master Instruments personnel. Terms & conditions are to be taken into account in conjunction with existing state & federal law.

Placing orders

We want to process your order & place it within our despatch system as soon as possible. Due to this we cannot accept additions to orders (within reason). All additions should be requested within 30 minutes of original order placement. Please understand many orders are placed with Master Instruments every day. Once your order has entered processing, location & alteration to an order may be time consuming therefore reducing our efficiency which may delay your & other customers' orders. A new alternative is by using MiLink; our online ordering system where customers can enter lines then save orders to later be completed at your own convenience. See further details below about MiLink Clever Commerce.

We will endeavour to expedite your order as quickly & efficiently as possible. All goods where delivery is requested by the purchaser to be sent by the postal system or the customer's nominated carrier are at the customer's risk. Master Instruments takes no further responsibility for these goods once they have left our premises. Non payment for goods processed in this manner will not be accepted.

Orders may be placed verbally via phone, by fax or by email. Details can be found on the Contact Us page.

Minimum Order Value

Master Instruments are not retailers. We do not sell to the public or non ABN holders. A minimum order value of $50.00 ex GST for account customers will apply. For non account customers a minimum order value of $200.00 ex GST will apply at our discretion. This discretion means Non account customers may instead be referred to one of our distributors. These amounts are for the total order value but do not include GST or freight. The under mimimum order value surcharge is $15.00 + GST. A credit account facility is available to approved customers. The minimum value of an opening order for a credit account is $200.00 ex GST.

Back Orders

Our order processing department is fully computerised. All orders placed will be supplied as soon as possible or as close to the nominated due date as possible. All goods not available will be placed on backorder & delivered by Master Instruments as soon as available in accordance with ISO9001:2015. A customer may nominate not to accept backorders although this must be organised prior to orders being placed.

Back orders will generally be supplied FIS unless part delivery is requested or the backordered items are of such weight that the freight charge on the initial delivery would not have covered the cost of these backordered items. All items not available from stock will be placed on backorder & delivered when available unless backorders are specifically requested not to occur by the customer.

Urgent Order Requirements & Express Orders

If you require goods urgently please inform your sales representative by telephone as early as possible. All reasonable endeavours will be made to make this occur but no guarantees can be made. MI sales staff can process hundreds of orders daily & orders required urgently sent to MI by fax or email may not be processed for urgent delivery without verbal notification of this urgency. Where possible urgent order requests should be made by mid afternoon for next day local metropolitan delivery or by 12.30pm AEST for same day despatch of regional, interstate & international deliveries. Deliveries which are late because of courier inadequacies are at no fault to Master Instruments.

We offer two express order services for queue jumping: 1-10 Lines is $7.50 + GST and 11-20 Lines is $12.50 + GST as express order surcharge rates.

Please note whilst MI stock one of the largest ranges & quantities of goods available for our respective industries, products may have to be manufactured, be ordered in specifically or be awaiting supply to MI from our principles which can take several weeks. Lead times may apply & consultation as to availability should be made with your sales representative.

Problems with orders

In the unlikely event your order does not arrive containing the correct goods please do the following:-

  • Check the package/s completely. Small goods will be inside sealed bags or cartons & may have shifted in amongst the packaging material.
  • Check the number of packages your receiving on the consignment note signed for when goods were received.
  • When signing for packages have your staff print their name clearly on the consignment note. In addition ensure you're signing for the correct number of packages. This can save a lot of problems when looking for packages received in larger companies.
  • If your goods have not arrived when expected or you are missing cartons please inform your sales representative by telephone as early as possible. Our carriers all have internet based track &trace facilities. Our staff will check & advise you of the situation as quickly as possible. By faxing the sales person on the top right hand corner of the invoice, noting the supply error, MI will ensure that your request is undertaken quickly and any supply error fixed without delay.

Ownership of goods

All goods remain the property of Master Instruments until the goods are paid for in full. MI reserves the right to obtain the return of goods not paid for in full.


All orders placed with Master Instruments are non-cancellable although reasonable cancellations will be accepted by Master Instruments. An order is a contract (within the terms set out by the seller) between the buyer & seller be it verbal or by other means. A contract & its obligations can be enforced by the courts. Order requirements such as the customer's need to raise an official purchase order or orders placed without the appropriate signature as required by the buyer are the customer’s responsibility. Non payment for orders placed with MI will not be accepted.

Payments may be made via various means. Master Instruments will accept payment via cash, cheque(non clearance will incur additional charges), credit card (MasterCard & Visa Card - Attract a 1.0% Surcharge, American Express with a 2.0% surcharge) or direct deposit. Any additional government or bank charges associated with a direct deposit are the responsibility of the buyer.


Freight will be charged at approximate cost unless other arrangements are made with MI prior to despatch. Customers are free to nominate their own freight carrier. Please ensure this information is clearly stated on your purchase order along with your account number with your courier & the courier company's contact number.

Non payment of freight is not acceptable.

We do not include outwards goods charges in our cost of goods. Buyers terms of FIS or otherwise are overridden by the sellers terms & conditions.

Warranty Returns

All Returns must be authorised. Please use a copy of the Return Authority form, fill the form in and send it to us. The form will be returned to you with details of how to proceed with the return. Goods returned without an authorised form may not be accepted & may be returned to the sender at the sender's cost.

After authorisation, goods must only be returned by our nominated mode of transport or at the customer's cost. Freight will not be paid for goods returned by means other than as above. Master Instruments have a very clear warranty policy.

We make available free return of warrantable goods and strive to continue improving turnaround times of repair, replacement and/or credit of warrantable product.

You are our customer so where our warranty is applicable our warranty conditions apply from the point of sale to your company. Only manufacturer backed warranty stated on the product or instruction manual can apply from end user purchase.

Batteries are perishable products and must be treated and stored accordingly. MI are not able to control how long or how well a product is stored by our customers. We offer extensive advice to our customers to ensure they are cognisant to the end use of the product to ensure it is used and maintained correctly to further limit warranty claims that may be invalid.

It's very important our customers make themselves familiar with the warranty conditions of their suppliers as well as their own warranty terms with their own customers. This will alleviate many problems within the chain of manufacturer-supplier-retailer-customer later on.

We encourage you to set a warranty policy within your own company. Due to the high cost of labour & equipment used for checking warranty eligibility a $10.00 surcharge will be charged for goods returned as faulty yet found to be in good working order. All tests conducted by MI on goods returned are to internationally recognised standards. Testing procedures outside of these standards conducted by the returnee of goods will not be recognised as the goods being faulty. Goods found to be not covered by warranty will be returned with this surcharge & at the customers cost. Goods found to be warrantable may be credited or replaced at the customer's request. Returned goods require a comprehensive as possible explanation on the RGA form as to the nature of the suspected fault of the product & this form must accompany the returned goods. The invoice number must be noted on the RGA form when returning goods. Please address all such returns to the Returned Goods Department as follows:

Small Parcels:
Master Instruments Pty Ltd
Attn: Returned Goods Department
Reply Paid 89018
Locked Bag 277 Milperra NSW 2214

Large Parcels:
Master Instruments Pty Ltd
Attn: Returned Goods Department
13 Sheridan Close
Milperra NSW 2214

Goods returned for credit due to incorrect customer ordering or non-saleability on the customer's part may incur a 5-20% restocking fee dependant upon age, appearance and future saleability.

Master Instruments Pty Ltd reserves the right not to accept return of goods when they are:

  • Specifically manufactured at the customer's request (i.e. custom made).
  • Specially ordered in on the customer's behalf (i.e. Indent products).
  • Large quantity orders that may have already been covered by MI with replacement orders with our principles. (i.e. Non-Cancellable order types).
  • Goods that have been in the customer's possession for a reasonable time & are requested by the customer to be returned to us after such time has elapsed that the goods are out of warranty, near or past their expiry date.
  • Goods that have been damaged or had packaging damaged or removed.
  • Warranty is conditional in accordance with manufacturer's parameters & guidelines.


Invoices are sent with all shipments of goods unless the customer requests otherwise.

All account customers will receive a statement of account after our monthly billing cycle has been completed.

It is the responsibility of the account holder to make payment within the terms of their account with MI. We reserve the right to place orders on credit hold when accounts fall overdue & to return such orders to our general stocks or sell the goods elsewhere.

It is the responsibility of the account holder to know the state of their account with MI & be aware if their account has become overdue. MI are not responsible to notify account holders of non shipment due to overdue accounts as this information is already at the customers notice from statements as outlined above.
Orders will be placed on hold for overdue accounts.

Goods & Services Tax (GST.)

The prices shown in our price lists and on our invoices maybe rounded to two decimal places for your convenience. Due to the trade pricing structure of our invoices, actual net prices on items may differ slightly from those in our price lists. Rounding will affect the total invoice value and therefore the GST will be 10% of this total on all product except hearing aid batteries & export items which are GST free.

Communications with Master Instruments - How you can help:

Electronic communications

Use our web site! Our database has been updated to include a large selection of information that in most cases can be quickly dowloaded by customers 24 hours a day so it's available to you immediately. You'll be able to print off data that comes out as an original for your customers!

MiLink Clever commerce is now available for online ordering and account management. Use your login to enter MiLink to place orders even faster with us whilst being able to use live pricing and stock levels in each of our warehouses around Australia.

Pickup of goods

In the interest of not wasting your valuable time please place all pickup orders by phone or our orders@ email at least two hours prior to goods pickup. We do not possess retail salesman & need this short period to have your order processed & made available to you by our warehouse staff. Please make all pickups from Customer Pickups of our Sydney premises or enquire at reception at our Melbourne or Perth facilities. The pickup of goods is not available from Brisbane office. If you do not have a credit account with MI prepayment via credit card or an already written cheque is preferred. Full cost details are available upon your enquiry.

Following up orders or enquiries

When making enquiries or placing an order make a note of the MI personnel your in contact with. This may speed up our ability to answer you. If you want to repeat a previous order an invoice number from the original order will help with identification of your new requirements.

Price information for add ons & assembly of batteries

Standard battery pack construction incurs a manufacturing cost of $1.50 per cell. For instance if you wanted a battery pack made from 10 cells add $1.50 to the cost of the cell & then multiply the cost by ten.

This is for a standard assembly with solder tag termination with or without heatshrink. This does not apply to the price of completed battery packs already available within this price list.

Assembly charges for Lithium Ion (LiIon), Lithium Iron Phosphate (LiFePO4) & Lithium Polymer (LiPoly) batteries are not standardised and thus priced on application to one of our sales representatives.

Additonal price information ex GST on cell & battery pack termination is as follows:

  • Standard flying leads $2.00 per battery.
  • Leads with connectors $2.50 plus the cost of the lead & connector assembly.
  • Solder Tags on cells $1.20 per cell
  • PCB pins or snap fastener connections on cells $2.00 per cell
  • Certificates of Conformance are charged at $20.00 per certificate.

Should you like MI to assemble a more complex assembly please ask your sales representative to give you a quote.
If you require larger wholesale/OEM quantities of any products please ask your sales representative to give you a quote.

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