Copyright Policy
Policy on Copyright Material
A key strategy of the Master Instruments (MI) management is to make use of its information technology and promotional material that is of the highest possible quality and is readily understandable. For many years now the main focus has always been on producing the best catalogue of its kind within the portable & micro battery and test equipment industry. The company has achieved good success by making strict guidelines on the production and reproduction of absolute quality editorial & pictorial content on all advertising & promotional material. Our website is no exception.
Now with the days of broadband internet and ever increasing internet use, the company has decided that it must be in strict control over its published material and its use outside of company specific promotional activities.
The fact that the huge amounts of money spent on literary & artistic works being a definite key to the company's success has not been ignored. This is why the company thought it imperative to thoroughly protect its investment in pictorial images and other copyrighted material.
Careless or ignorance based infringement of copyright information without express permission from Master Instruments Pty Ltd will not be tolerated and permission to use copyright material will need to be sought immediately before use. Otherwise removal of all existing copyright material will need to be done within the period of 20 working days from noted breach. If this is not done further action will be taken with regards to the copyright law infringements and letters of demand, damages claims, injunctions and profit generation from use claims may be considered appropriate action depending on the breach.
The company is also aware of the need for high quality advertising material for its distributors and the reselling advantages of product representation techniques. The "a picture tells a thousand words" statement is unique and accurate in the minds of the direct marketer. Our promotional material is created & copyrighted to Master Instruments Pty Ltd at a great cost to us and its use for generated income independent of MI is not desired. MI therefore reserves the right to be able to decide who uses our material & the nature in which it is used.
All identified requests for MI created copyright material must be in significant detail and should be addressed in writing or via electronic means to:
Master Instruments Pty Ltd
Attn: Information Technology Manager
Locked Bag 277, MILPERRA NSW 2214
[email protected]
All granted permission pertaining to the use of MI copyright material will be done via way of express (written) and not implied (verbal) permission. The approval must be signed and returned by an MI company director and IT manager or second company director.
A sample template of this form is available on requst.
Master Instrument's policy is to facilitate and recognise the advantages of the use of information resources by the provision of the following strict guidelines listed below:
- All material reproduced without express permission will be in breach of the Copyright Act 1968 (cth) The existing copyright laws are readily viewed as PDF documents and available at This is informative information only on copyright and specific legal advice with regards to law application should be discussed only with a lawyer or legal representative. Specifically sections G58 on ownership, G23 on copyright duration, G56 & G57 on website copyright and G52 & G63 which covers infringement actions and further actions for breach are very clear.
- All Master Instruments Pty Ltd copyright artistic and compilation literary "works" such as our catalogues and web images have been watermarked and detailed so copyright of this material is easily detected and proven. Other techniques have also been employed for substantiality checks of MI copyrighted material.
- Reproduction of copyright material needs to be of a certain MI approved standard. Poor reproduction of material is not desired. Master Instruments is very careful in how its intellectual property & digital images are used. Even though they may not be directly promoting our company & in fact maybe used in representations by our distributors, image is a very important component in our success. It is of paramount importance any material that could be clearly recognised as originating from MI is of a standard appropriate to us. All approved copyrighted material use will need to be of an approved standard of quality and should be shown as such.
- Copyright protected material is not to be used where the product/s being promoted is not directly sourced from MI and therefore generated profit is independent of MI.
- Component parts of the Master Instruments Website are copyright protected and the guidelines for its use are contained within that particular link on our website.
- Master Instruments Pty Ltd reserves the right to preview & approve html documents before they are uploaded to the internet.
- All images supplied will be in JPEG format at a maximum width of 400 pixels. All images are watermarked and remain copyright to Master Instruments Pty Ltd. Any alterations to the images other than resizing into smaller images are not permitted.
- Use of Master Instruments Pty Ltd registered trademarks, brands and logos is also to be endorsed by owner before use.
- The use of battery manufacturer's brand names, trademarks and logos is also to be endorsed by the respective owners of these.
- Master Instruments Pty Ltd reserves the right to be compensated by way of annual charge or outright sale of copyright literary & artistic works. End users may be charged a fee for use of documented copyright material whereby Master Instruments Pty Ltd is seen as the content provider of material and images for use by other parties.